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Saab 900 Classic Twin Pump Fuel Pump assembly 16 valve / Turbo BOSCH 85 86 87 88 89 9393935 7526163

This is a good used unit, removed from an 88 SPG. This unit is for the twin pump cars, US model 16 valve 86 87 & 88 900-S as well as 85 86 87 88 900-Turbo. We actually saw this car run and drive, it drove well, and had plenty of power. This unit is used, but I think it should have a good bit of life left in it.
These units typically have a very good lifespan, and the main pump tends to last longer than the pre pump. This assembly has all, drop this in, and go. I will also give a 60 day functionality warranty with this unit! Some of these cars have flat blades, some have round. - this has round, typical to find is US model 87-88-89 cars.