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SAAB 900 9000 AC CABIN FAN Interior Temperature SENSOR

Saab 900 / 9000 / 9-3 temperature regulator Up for sales is a good used Saab 900 / 9000 / 9-3 interior temperature sensor / fan speed regulator. Saab par t# 9627811 You need to check your part number off your original as there are several variants of this unit! The typical failure on these causes climate control system malfunctions when the system is left on "automatic" - usually when the system is un aware of the interior temperature it will ramp up the fan speed and it will start to randomly get colder or hotter and disregard the temperature setting you have selected. These can also cause blown fuses, or make an annoying buzzing sound, typically more noticeably when you have just shut the car off. List price at SaabUSA was previously nearly $300! get this one for only slightly more than you would pay in tax at the dealer! I only sell the OEM units, never aftermarket so they are the same quality as your original. Unit is a good used unit, and I will offer a 30 day functionality guarantee ,Thanks for looking and good luck!