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Saab 03 04 05 06 07 9-3 Battery Terminal Disconnect circuit breaker 12791308

Saab 93 battery terminal circuit breaker
Up for sale is a good used Saab 9-3 battery terminal circuit breaker. This unit aside from being a battery terminal is a circuit breaker for the entire electrical system, connected to the positive cable. This unit is designed to trip if there is a MAJOR electrical fault (i.e. large short circuit). These units can fail in a manner that causes a disconnected battery, even though it is connected and properly re-set. If you are having problems with this unit, often times it can cause a no-start, no electrical power condition. You can diagnose this unit by making sure it is re-set, and then connecting an ohm meter across it's terminals. If you read anything but 0 ohms, the unit is defective. We just checked this unit, and it's in good working condition!