Land Rover Discovery Cruise Control Unit Brain ECU AMR1173 5GA00439712 Rare!

Land Rover Discovery Cruise Control Electronic control unit
Up for sale is a Good used, working Land River Discovery Cruise Control ECU from a 93 4.0 Liter. P/N / Made in Germany, by Hella
AMR 1173 5GA 004 397 12 Rare!
Works fine and comes with a 30 day warranty. You can still buy these new, but at a cost of nearly $450 they are rather unaffordable. A defective cruise control module is one of the primary causes of cruise control failure in these cars. on Discos's This unit is located on top of the passenger side footwell area, up under the dash. If your cruise does not work, It's a good idea to check for vacuum leaks in the system and that the pedal switches are still working. if it still does not work, 9/10 times it's because this ECU has failed. Don't go around in your classic Rover with a non working cruise control system, there is a good chance this is an easy fix and you will have working cruise again! Thanks for looking and good luck!